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What is "ERICA"?

ERICA (Electronic Research Integrity & Compliance Administration system) is the University of Utah's electronic application and review system for human subject research.  Research proposals and their associated documents are submitted for review by applicable committees and boards at the University of Utah via the ERICA electronic system.

The ERICA system uses a smart form application process which requires specific information based upon the responses of the applicant (e.g. if an investigator indicates that the study will be a placebo-controlled trial, an additional page in the application will be required). Complete submissions are made available to relevant reviewers in ERICA, and documentation of reviews and approvals are maintained in the system (IRB SOP 301). Investigators are notified of IRB decisions and findings by email through ERICA (IRB SOP 305).

ERICA is managed by the Office of Research Information Systems. If you need assistance with ERICA, you can contact them at

ERICA Assistance

Access Instructions
Access Instructions
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Editing Study Personnel
Editing Study Personnel
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Personnel Roles
Personnel Roles
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Status Key
Status Key
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Error Messages
Error Messages
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Two-Factor Authentication
Two-Factor Authentication
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Committee Review Chart
Committee Review Chart
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Site-Control Model
Site-Control Model
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