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What Is the ERICA Sandbox?

The ERICA Sandbox is a copied version of the real ERICA site.  In the ERICA Sandbox you can test or try the different ERICA applications and functions without affecting the real ERICA site.  You may want to use the ERICA Sandbox for the following purposes:

  • Training new investigators and study team members who are new to the University of Utah IRB
  • Teaching students who are learning to use the IRB system
  • Exploring the different application pages for the IRB and various ancillary committees

What Are the Key Differences Between the ERICA Sandbox and the Real ERICA Site?

  1. The ERICA Sandbox is not connected to the real ERICA site in any way.  If you create something in the Sandbox, it will never be connected to a real application in ERICA.  There is no way to transfer an application you create in the Sandbox into the real ERICA site.
  2. The IRB and all other ancillary committees within ERICA do not monitor any information that is entered into the Sandbox.  If you click "Submit" on an application in the Sandbox, it will not be seen or reviewed by any committee.  The support level in the Sandbox environment is much lower than on the live ERICA site.
  3. The Conflict of Interest system (Business Relationship Reporting) and the uTRAC Research Billing system do not communicate with the Sandbox.  Any requirements for these systems that are linked to an application in the Sandbox will not be processed.
  4. The Sandbox does not send any email notifications based upon applications you complete or activities you initiate.
  5. The Sandbox is not backed up, so if the server crashes, the information in the Sandbox cannot be restored.  We cannot guarantee that the Sandbox site will be operational 24/7.
  6. The Sandbox is "reset" every semester.  This means that information entered into the Sandbox will be deleted every semester and cannot be retrieved.  The Sandbox reset dates every year are as follows:
    • January 5th
    • May 5th
    • August 5th

How Can I Access the ERICA Sandbox?

To request access to the ERICA Sandbox, you must send an email to, and provide the following information in the email:

  1. What is your intended purpose for using the Sandbox?
  2. According to this purpose, how many individuals do you anticipate will use the Sandbox?
  3. Include your name and phone number in the email message.

It takes 1-2 weeks to consider your request and provide you with instructions for accessing and using the Sandbox.  You must have a current University ID number (uNID) and password in order to use the ERICA Sandbox.