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Home Guidelines & Policies ERICA Troubleshooting Error Messages in ERICA

Configuration Error Message

If you have tried to submit an Amendment or Continuing Review and have received this error message:

Cannot evaluate validation rule script. This is a configuration error, Please contact your system administrator with this info View: VIEW000453

...nothing is really wrong.

  • The "Update Study" application is an editable "cloned" copy of the main, constant application for the study. The main application is separate from any Continuing Review and Amendment applications until after those applications are approved by the IRB.
  • ERICA is programmed to make an editable copy of the study application (i.e. the "Update Study" application) that will allow you to keep your application current. The "Update Study" application needs to be updated to reflect changes that will persist after approval of subsequent applications. Any changes you make to this copy of the application will then update and replace the currently approved information that was previously reviewed by the IRB.
  • "Updating the study" also includes attaching new copies of the forms that require a date stamp (with the watermark reset as it appears on the IRB consent template). This will allow the IRB to process the updated documents and stamp them with an updated approval and/or expiration date, as needed.

What You Need to Do

  1. Wait. The "Copy Progress" takes roughly 15 minutes to complete.
  2. The "Copy Progress" window that pops up with the error message does not automatically tell you once the copying is complete.
  3. When enough time has elapsed, close the error message window, refresh the application workspace window, and click "Update Study" again. ERICA should now allow you into the "Update Study" portion of the application.
  4. If you can successfully update the study, you will have the ability to submit the study as soon as you are ready.

Note: If you have waited at least 15 minutes and you are still unable to go into the "Update Study" portion of the application, you will need to restart the copy progress.

  1. In the "Copy Progress" window, click the "Restart" button
  2. ERICA will start copying the application again, and it should complete in approximately 15 minutes
  3. If you continue to have problems with this issue, contact the IRB