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Consent Process Models

We appreciate your feedback about this resource as it develops.

Please contact a member of the IRB staff if you need assistance designing your consent process.

Consent Process Example Scenarios

Consider the example scenarios below when designing your consent process. These examples may not be appropriate for all studies and should be customized to specific research when proposed to the IRB.

Consent Process Example


When a questionnaire is minimal risk, a waiver of documentation of consent is often justified. When a consent cover letter accompanies the questionnaire, consent to participate is given by completing and returning the questionnaire.

Though a signed consent form may be necessary before beginning study procedures, it may be appropriate to obtain consent over the phone before the first study visit.

Based on the nature of a research project and according to the preferences of an individual school or school district, it may be acceptable to inform parents of research conducted at an elementary or secondary school and use an opt-out model if a parent wishes to have their child excluded from the study.  This model requires a waiver of documentation of consent in order to waive the signature requirement.

Focus groups or interviews using a consent cover letter

When a focus group or interview is minimal risk, a waiver of documentation of consent is often justified.  When a consent cover letter is provided to potential participants, their consent can be documented using written communication or a note-to-file drafted by the study team.

Consent process for children who are wards of the state

Coming soon!

Consent process involving a witness for participants who cannot read or are physically unable to sign the consent form

Coming soon!

When a full translation of the consent form cannot be obtained, it may be appropriate to enroll a non-English speaking participant using a translated short form.  The short form must be used in combination with the full English version of the consent form, facilitated by an interpreter.

Sample Consent Documents

The IRB provides sample consent documents that may help investigators to design their own consent documents. The samples below contain all of the consent elements and local requirements for the study for which they were originally designed. Use of these samples does not guarantee the IRB will approve similar consent documents designed for other studies.